306 JOURNEY WITHOUT MAPS The last straw that breaks the camel's back. Or more appropriately the closing of the stable door after the horse has escaped." "My appeal is directed to the young people of Liberia, and particularly to the young people of the Kru tribe, and it is an appeal for us to prepare our- selves for world leadership." "Coming home to ourselves, we ask the question, what has Liberia contributed, and is contributing towards world advancement and improvement? What are we doing individually to make the world better, and Liberia safe for democracy?" "With such a situation confronting the patriotic citizens of the country, and as loyal True Whigs, the question remains, what shall we do to be saved? It is highly gratifying to tell you boldly from genuine personal and otherwise reports received from Cape Palmas to Cape Mount we have the day for King. Watch out and see us victoriously rise." "The Congo Progressive Association met in semi- annual conclave at the residence of Hon. Abayomi Karnga last week, and while there feasted and talked liberally. The feast ended in a dean sweep, and the talk in a muddle. Thus in this first coup nothing was added to the Unit. But if it keeps on springing such surprises upon unsuspecting guests, even that which it seemeth to have will be taken away from it, and itself cast out as being unprofitable."