236 JOURNEY WITHOUT MAPS an easy idea to convey to someone who had never seen an ordinary train. "Very remarkable," he said coldly and disbelievingly at the end of it and changed the subject by humming God Save the King. The boy with the gun walked behind and last followed the tiny piccaninny in the transparent vest. Victor Prosser walked very slowly, and with some pain, because he wore backless slippers for the sake of his prestige as head teacher of Toweh-Ta. He asked my cousin to join him in singing God Save the King, which the Catholic missionaries on the Coast had taught him; I can't imagine why, for they were all of them Irish. He said he knew some Protestant hymns and insisted they should sing Onward, Christian Soldiers together as they picked their way through the Liberian jungle. When I joined them he and his two schoolboys were singing the Liberian national anthem: All hail, Liberia, hail I All hail, Liberia, haill This glorious land of liberty shall long be ours, Tho' new her name, green be her fame, And mighty be her powers. In joy and gladness with our hearts united, We'll shout the freedom of a land benighted. Long live Liberia, happy land, A home of glorious liberty by God's command, All hail, Liberia, hail! All hail, Liberia, hail! In unioa.strong success is sure, we cannot fail With God above our rights to prove.