188 JOURNEY WITHOUT MAPS blister a pin would burst, to the beat of the rattle, and then howled and wept to be released. I lay in bed while the music went on and held Burton against the mosquito-net to let the lamplight shine feebly through on the page of cheap print. The cover was already going damp, as if the book had been left out in the dew, The word nigra caught my eye, as I listened to the feet stamping and the calls I couldn't understand. I suddenly felt, reading the lines of Calpurnius Graecus, the irresistible tug of the familiar, a longing for flowers and dew and scent It was hard to believe they existed in the same world and that there were emotions of tenderness and regret that couldn't be expressed with a harp, a drum and a rattle, buttocks and black teats. Te sine, vae misero mihi, lilia nigra videntur, Pallentesque rosae, nee dulce rubens hyacinthus, Nullos nee myrtus nee laurus spiral odores. I put the light out and listened to the moonlit tumult, but when it ceased and the villagers crept into their huts and put up the doors, there was such a rush of rats down the walls that I switched on my torch and saw the shadows racing down. But I had left my door open and they didn't stay. I had the night to myself. The Dead Forest The next day was the eleventh of the trek, and we turned back into the great forest with very little idea gŁ where we should spend the next night, except that